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on the blog

I believe that life is a series of stories worth telling and man, do I have some to share! I am a wife and mom of 4 (and counting). I am a storyteller and dreamer turned blogger and podcaster. I delight in always finding something new to create and do around our home. I am passionate about living my life in joy through every season of marriage, motherhood, and business. I love to share our love and our life, authentically and unfiltered, to inspire you to find joy in your everyday. Cozy up and find something fun!

I'm Lauren

you can call me La!


let's be friends

Disclosure: As an Amazon Affiliate I earn from qualifying purchases at no extra cost to you. So grateful that for your support of our family by purchasing through our links!

Virtual Cooking Club and PB Roll Ups

So years after requests to add more recipes and to our blog, I've decided to add a Cooking Club to the mix. Honestly cooking is something I enjoy- when I have the time.

It becomes stressful when I:

1. Don't have a plan.

2. Don't have the ingredients I need.

3. It's the same ole monotonous meals over and over.

I needed to keep it simple because like you, I have 101 things on my to-do list. So, I opted to find a system to help me, because systems help me thrive.

I'm trying out this Mealime App and I'm stoked!!! It's so simple to use and you can actually use it for FREE!!! Most of the recipes are included in the free version and it will even take into consideration- allergies, preferences, and specific diets. It calculates the quantity of each item based on how many members are in your family, as well. My favorite feature however, is the ability to grocery shop and get the exact amount I need right from my phone, saving me money on waste (since my kid isn't a big fan of leftovers) and knowing exactly how much of each item I need. I can even add my own recipes to it and it will calculate just what I need.

I will be sharing recipes weekly on this blog- both from the app and from the ones we try and add to our faves. But, I will be sharing even more often in our fb group. Want our Cooking Club updates? Make sure and join our JPF Family Fb Group and subscribe to our blog below.


Peanut Butter, Banana, + Honey Roll Ups

The irony of all of this is that this is a quick-prep meal and it requires no cooking at all- haha!

This would make a great afterschool snack to have on hand or a great quick breakfast. You can even teach your kids to make it (with a little clean up assistance- wink wink).


2 bananas

2 large flour tortillas

¼ (16 oz) pkg


natural peanut butter


1. Lay tortillas on a flat surface. Using a spatula, spread peanut butter evenly over one side of each tortilla. Drizzle honey over peanut butter.

¼ cup natural peanut butter                                        2 Tbsp raw organic honey
2 large flour tortillas 

2. Peel bananas and place one on the side of each tortilla. Roll the tortilla up around the banana and slice into pieces.

2 bananas

3. Wash, dry, and halve strawberries.

¼ (16 oz) pkg strawberries

4. Divide rolls and strawberries onto plates. Enjoy!

*Recipe Inspired and Altered from


Happy Making,


Tag us on Instagram #JPFCookingClub @JacksonPineFarm

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