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I believe that life is a series of stories worth telling and man, do I have some to share! I am a wife and mom of 4 (and counting). I am a storyteller and dreamer turned blogger and podcaster. I delight in always finding something new to create and do around our home. I am passionate about living my life in joy through every season of marriage, motherhood, and business. I love to share our love and our life, authentically and unfiltered, to inspire you to find joy in your everyday. Cozy up and find something fun!

I'm Lauren

you can call me La!


let's be friends

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ReNew 2020 Challenge

natural tie dye, avocado dye, way maker, t-shirt, tie dye

Is it time for you to hit the reset button on this year?!

We started the last 3rd of the year yesterday. That’s 119 days to wake up, show up, and grow.... if you choose it!⠀⠀


We are starting an amazing journey called “ReNew 2020”! I’m calling you to take back this year! I’m calling you to reclaim it for good for you and your family. So much negativity and I uncertainty is looming over us and I’m sick of the terrible attitudes and memes I see everywhere. It’s time to take control of this year.⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ So, let’s make goals. Let’s refocus. Let’s grow, friends! ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ If you want to be a part of it, you’re in! It’s free. It’s jam packed full of amazing personal development for you and your family. I want absolutely nothing from you but I want this FOR you!!! You deserve this! ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ If you’d like to participate, just respond “going” to this event and all the details we be posted on the discussion board throughout the week and a free downloadable worksheet!

Can you think of a friend who needs a fresh start and a reset for 2020! Share this with them.

This practice is LIFE-CHANGING!!!

Free Printable

Day One


It’s our daily practice to begin each day choosing joy. We do this by intentionally starting our day with gratitude statements. 

  1. I am grateful ________________________________________________________________

  2. I am grateful ________________________________________________________________

  3. I am grateful ________________________________________________________________


In this section I want you to get raw and truthful with yourself. What do you really struggle to believe about yourself- maybe that you’re not enough, or maybe that you’re too much of something… I want you to write out those lies and then change them to truths- affirmations about yourself! These will come in handy over the next 121 days as you face doubt and fear and the emotional and mental battles of daily life. These are written in present tense, so you claim these things today- even if you have yet to achieve them- even while you’re a work in progress.

  1. Lie:

    1. Affirmation: I am

  2. Lie:

    1. Affirmation: I am

  3. Lie:

    1. Affirmation: I am

  4. Lie:

    1. Affirmation: I am

  5. Lie:

    1. Affirmation: I am

  6. Lie:

    1. Affirmation: 

  7. Lie:

    1. Affirmation:

  8. Lie:

    1. Affirmation:

  9. Lie:

    1. Affirmation:

  10. Lie:

    1. Affirmation:

Brain Dump

Focus Word:

Choose a word that will allow you to reign in on the rest of your year. This word should be personal to you. It can be a word that you’ve had for the year but maybe haven’t been as intentional as you’d like. Or, it can be brand new to focus the last 121 days of the year! Choose one word. 


Day Two

Spinning Plates

What roles or things are you responsible for carrying in this season? We are going to think about them as spinning plates for a moment. Think about all the plates you have spinning. Write them out.

Now, revisit them and write beside them one of the following:

  • Everyday China: These are things that only YOU can handle. 

  • Paper Plate: These are things you can delegate or hand off to someone else or share the responsibility with someone.

  • Fine China: These are things that just need to be put away for a season. These are things that are delicate and just better to focus on at another time.

  • Greek Wedding Style: These are things that you need to say “no” to. Things that need to be broken, let go of and never picked up again. These are things that need to go out with a bang.

I Get To

In this section, share things that can normally pressure you or fall under things you “have to do” in your roles in daily life that might steal your joy. These are things we should change our mindset about and change from a negative to a positive outlook. ie. I have to cook dinner tonight 😓. I get to cook dinner for my family to enjoy. 

  • I get to ___________________________________________________________________________.

  • I get to ___________________________________________________________________________.

  • I get to ___________________________________________________________________________.

  • I get to ______________________________________________________________________.


Name some things or activities you can turn to when you need to feel inspired.

  • ⠀⠀⠀⠀

Day Three

Year-End Goals

In this section, you will identify 3 year-end goals for yourself, your family, and/or your business. Who do you want to be in 119 days? Where do you want to be? What do you want to see changed? What growth do you want to experience? 

Make sure these goals are personal, measurable, and have a timeframe.

Rewards + Motivation

Name some things that motivate you to complete your goals:

Name reward ideas you can give yourself weekly after completing your smaller projects and tasks. These weekly goals should be simple things you would enjoy to relax or a small project you haven’t gotten around to yet. 






These rewards should be bigger rewards to help you celebrate the completion of a year-end goal. 

  • Big Goal Reward #1:

  • Big Goal Reward #2:

  • Big Goal Reward #3:

Day Four

Optional but super fun is to make a vision board that displays all of your goals, rewards, affirmations and some gratitude and then place it somewhere you will see it every day to keep you inspired!


Please share your journey with in our Event and use the hashtag #gggReNew2020 when you're sharing on social media!


Join Grits, Grace, and Granola for weekly how to projects, encouragement, community & more!

naturally tie dyed, dyed with food, dyed with fruit, dye with vegetables, natural dye, miracle worker, way maker, t-shirt, farmhouse, farm boots, farm girl, front porch, dye with avocados

Get creative and send me your photos for a chance to be featured on our blog and pages. Tag us @gritsgraceandgranola #gritsgraceandgranola

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Let's grow, friends,


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