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I believe that life is a series of stories worth telling and man, do I have some to share! I am a wife and mom of 4 (and counting). I am a storyteller and dreamer turned blogger and podcaster. I delight in always finding something new to create and do around our home. I am passionate about living my life in joy through every season of marriage, motherhood, and business. I love to share our love and our life, authentically and unfiltered, to inspire you to find joy in your everyday. Cozy up and find something fun!

I'm Lauren

you can call me La!


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Permission to Change Your Mind- 8 Indicators It's Time to Quit

Lauren Alonso, there will be joy, podcast blog, grits grace and granola, christian blogger, mom blogger

Do you ever cling to old dreams and old goals, fearing that letting go might mean you’ve failed? Well, in today’s episode, we’re diving into a topic that’s close to my heart: knowing when it’s time to make a change- to throw in the towel, quit, or pivot. I’ll show you exactly how changing your mind and your direction can lead to a more joyful and fulfilling life. Let’s explore 8 indicators that it's time to quit or change direction.

Take a listen now:

If you’ve followed my story for any length of time, I’m sure you’re accustomed to my love for change. I’m one of those strange people who LIVES for change. It wasn’t until recently that I realized this about myself- I don’t love any particular season. In South Carolina we have all 4 of them but what I love most about the seasons is that CHANGE! I love changing out my wardrobe capsule from summer to fall. It feels like Christmas and I’m getting a fresh set of clothes (without spending a dime). 

I’ve also in the past few years discovered I’ve been blessed with the gift of ADHD- and it turns out that many people who have this squirrel living inside their brain also thrive in seasons of change. We start a new project or start chasing a new dream, only later realizing it was only the thrill of something NEW that was the fuel. 

Well whether you find yourself in that same camp of loving changing or if you’re absolutely the opposite and terrified of change, this episode is going to help you navigate the “ifs” about change- “what if you change your mind?”, “what if you quit?”, “how do you know if it’s time to start something new?”

Recently this happened to me. And at first, I’ll be honest, I wasn’t excited. I was terrified, reluctant, and feelings of trauma reared their ugly head in my stomach.

A few years ago I changed the name of our family farm to a brand. Let me unpack that for you. I had named our farm lovingly with my married name “Jackson” and “Pine” because that’s the road we lived on when we established the original farm, but after abruptly losing my husband and uprooting our family (which at the time was my teenage son and few of our animals) to South Carolina, I had found my time and place to heal. I carried on the name but there came a time that I wrestled with the Lord over the name and decided to release “Jackson Pine Farm”, knowing one day in the future I would remarry and no longer be a “Jackson”. I wanted to give God my belief and faith that He was ultimately the one writing my story. So, I welcomed the change and rebranded. Shortly after, little did I know at the time, I would also sell our farm. God was preparing me as He always does for transition.

I shifted my focus and I loved the name grits, grace, and granola. People knew me as "ggg". And it felt cute and trendy and on-brand. It was perfect… FOR A SEASON. Until it wasn’t. That business name, even though it wasn’t a personal name, felt like an identity to me. Every piece of content I curated, everything I created I tried to fit in one of those boxes- grits (some kind of recipe or tip of the hat to my southern culture), grace (something about faith), or granola (something about wellness that was crunchy and cool). 

One random Thursday, I confessed in a group of hundreds of women entrepreneurs that I was starting a podcast. One thing led to another and somehow we landed on how to tie the two together- grits grace and granola- my home and lifestyle blog and story and there will be joy- my podcast. My business coach kindly interjected and suggested changing my business name to my name. My guard went up. My trauma was exposed. Fear, something I don’t struggle with often, bubbled up in my gut. How could I name something by my name AGAIN? 

She pushed back and said- “yeah but you Lauren, as a person didn’t change”. WOW. She was right. I didn’t become someone else. No matter how many pivots and changes come in my brand, my brand is me. It’s my story. It’s the outpouring and overflow of my heart.

And there IT was, clarity and permission… to change my mind and my name. My coach explained that my brand is ME Lauren and is always evolving with me as I change my mind, grow, and expand and a business name will never be able to offer me that kind of flexibility- it niches me and boxes me into a place where I can only serve one audience. Sounds kinda boring to me. But my name and who I am isn’t going to change- I will always be Lauren.

So I changed my business name, my branding and my colors to less neutral and more tones that Lauren loves. But I didn’t change who I am. People don’t follow me because of a cute instagram handle or blog name. And I don’t want to limit what God is going to do in any one season, so it’s time to embrace and love the name God gave me. It’s time this name be known and not hidden.

So hi… I’m Lauren Alonso. I’m a storyteller and dreamer turned blogger and podcaster (in this season). If you’re here for the journey, what you see here is GOING to change. I am going to evolve, grow, and so is everything I create. I delight in always finding something new to create and do around our home. I am passionate about living my life in joy through every season of marriage, motherhood, and business. I love to share our love and our life, authentically and unfiltered, to inspire you to find joy in your everyday life. I hope you’re here for a while, because I’m not going anywhere.

Lauren Alonso, there will be joy, podcast blog, grits grace and granola, christian blogger, mom blogger

So friend, my question for you is “what is a dream you’ve had, that you’ve been clinging to that needs to pivot to fit you? Your season? Your heart?” Maybe it’s not a brand or a business, but maybe it’s a perspective on life that needs a shift. Maybe you’ve felt restricted and limited. Maybe you’ve been boxed in or maybe you’ve boxed yourself in, limiting your own progress.

The world and social media so often wants to make us fit in a box, to belong to a certain criteria, check all the boxes as if we must fit one particular set of beliefs, but I don’t believe that’s biblical at all.

And, I struggle with fitting in- I want to make sourdough but in a bread machine and use essential oils as remedies but I also want to have modern medicine when my babies are sick and I want my number one at chickfila hold the pickles and a large lemonade with light ice, please and thank you. I think we get stuck in the toxicity of cultural polarizing a belief system that we must fit a mold and that’s just not true. It’s limiting, suffocating and not healthy. Be you, friend. It’s ok to be different, to change your mind, and to try new things. You were meant to become and that takes stretching.

Biblical Perspective

In Ecclesiastes 3:1, we’re reminded, “To everything there is a season, a time for every purpose under heaven.” This verse speaks to the importance of recognizing that life is made up of various seasons, each with its own purpose. Embracing a pivot or change in goals can be part of honoring the season you’re in and trusting that God has a new purpose for you in this new chapter. It’s about listening to His guidance and being open to the new paths He’s setting before you.

If you’re unsure if changing your mind is the right direction right now, here are some indicators that it might be time to pivot:

  1. Lack of Joy in Your Current Path

Joy is central to everything we talk about here, but what happens when that joy is missing? If your current goal feels like a chore or leaves you feeling drained, it might be time to pivot. Joy isn’t just a fleeting feeling—it’s a promise. If that promise is missing, ask God if He’s guiding you to something that will renew your spirit.

This summer, I felt overwhelmed by my obligation to show up on social media. I wasn’t finding joy in what I was sharing, and I needed a break to reflect. After some time, I realized that by focusing on what I truly love sharing, I could realign my content and restore my joy.

Take time to reflect on what once brought you joy, and don’t be afraid to make a change if it’s no longer there. If you need a guide, you can list what brings you joy in the Joyful Life Goal Planner, available for free in our Joyful Life Community.

  1. Misalignment with Your Values

Sometimes, we set goals that no longer reflect who we are. If a goal pulls you away from core values like faith, family, or purpose, it’s a clear sign to pivot. When your goals align with your values, there’s a natural flow. But when they don’t, you’ll feel disconnected.

If you’re unsure, take time to re-examine your values. Don’t hesitate to shift to something more aligned with who you truly are. For help defining your values, check out Episode 3 of the podcast.

  1. Feeling Stagnant

Sticking with a goal because it feels ‘safe’ can lead to stagnation. Even if you’re not unhappy, you may lack excitement or growth. God calls us to evolve, and feeling stuck could be His way of nudging you toward something bigger.

Reflect on areas where you feel stagnant. A fresh start might be just what you need to reignite growth and celebrate the progress you’ve made along the way.

  1. Clarity Through Prayer

Prayer is powerful when seeking discernment. Sometimes, God nudges us to shift focus, even if it’s uncomfortable. I’ve felt this personally, like when we sold our farm. Though I didn’t understand why, God used that obedience to lead me to the life I have now.

If you’re unsure about a pivot, lean into prayer for guidance. God often reveals the next step when we’re willing to listen.

  1. Family Priorities Have Changed

As a mom of four, I know how quickly family priorities shift. What once seemed important may no longer fit your season of life. It’s okay to pivot when your family’s needs change. Embrace this shift as an opportunity to realign your goals with what truly matters.

  1. Health and Well-being

If pursuing a goal is affecting your physical or emotional health, it’s time to reevaluate. You can’t pour from an empty cup, so pivot to something that supports your well-being and restores balance.

  1. A Fresh Sense of Calling

Sometimes, the need to pivot isn’t about dissatisfaction but a new sense of purpose. When God places a fresh calling on your heart, don’t ignore it. It could be the most fulfilling path yet.

  1. Simplifying Life

I’m a recovering over-complicator, and I’ve learned that simplifying creates space for what truly matters. If your current goal feels overwhelming, consider pivoting to something simpler. Simplifying can bring more joy, peace, and clarity, allowing you to be more present for what’s most important.

Weekly Challenge

Take some time this week to reflect on your current goals and assess if they still align with who you are and where you’re headed. I want you to come back to these indicators when you sit down with a journal and really ask yourself: Are there any areas where a pivot could bring more joy and fulfillment into your life?

If you’re anything like me, I know after hearing an episode like this you’re going to be eager to know how to pivot and change. Well friend, I’ve got another episode for you that’s going to walk you through those exact steps, so tune in next week for part 2!

For now, I just want you to sit with the possibility that it might be time to change your mind, and that doesn’t mean you quit, you gave up or that you failed. Give yourself permission to release and let go of an old dream. And by this time next week, you’ll be ready to embrace something new!

Share your thoughts and any insights you’ve gained in our Joyful Life Patreon community. We’d love to support and encourage each other as we navigate these changes together! I’ll put a link in the show notes for you to make these easy to find and come back to when you’re ready!

there will be joy podcast, Lauren Alonso, christian podcasts, podcast, Spotify podcasts, must listen to podcasts, new podcasts, Christian podcast, podcast, joy podcast, grits grace and granola, the joyful life community

As you walk through this season, may you find peace, joy, and opportunities to draw closer to God. Remember, every season is an opportunity to reflect His light in all we do. Share this post with a friend!

there will be joy podcast, Lauren Alonso, christian podcasts, podcast, Spotify podcasts, must listen to podcasts, new podcasts, Christian podcast, podcast, joy podcast, grits grace and granola, the joyful life, there will be joy logo
there will be joy podcast, Lauren Alonso, christian podcasts, podcast, Spotify podcasts, must listen to podcasts, new podcasts, Christian podcast, podcast, joy podcast, grits grace and granola, the joyful life

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Lauren Alonso, Adam Alonso, there will be joy, podcast blog, grits grace and granola, christian blogger, mom blogger

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With joy,

Lauren Alonso

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